Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Second Best Thing about Wednesdays

I attend a pretty kickin' ladies Bible study on Wednesday nights, so that takes the cake for "Best-Wednesday-Thing." The girls are amazing, the support and comradery is needed, and it acts as a necessary mid-week encouragement for yours truly.

HOWEVER, a close second is.............Publix!

Wednesday is my day to shop at Publix and it truly is a pleasure. I clip my coupons Tuesday night and roll into Publix when I get off work on Wednesday afternoon (feeling like I'm totally cheating on Wal-Mart). I just love Publix so much. Here's just a few of the reasons why:

*The whole store, as far as grocery stores go, is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I mean, c'mon...they STACK their cucumbers for crying out loud! If that doesn't scream "labor of love," I don't know what does!

*They double coupons under .50! Double savings? Yes, please!
*No associate there has ever rolled their eyes at me or told me "I don't know" when I ask them a question. If they don't know, they find out so that they will know.
*They bag your groceries for you, no questions asked. Even better, they bag them WELL! In a manner that actually makes sense! Like, no random shampoo bottles in with my refridgerated items, even though I clearly seperated them on the conveyer belt.
*They offer to take your groceries out to your car for you. Though I never take them up on it, I do appreciate being asked.
*Oh! I love the Penny Item. Today it was coffee. :-) .1! For real! Ok, so yeah, I don't technically drink coffee, but I do have a friend in mind. 
*Their Buy One, Get One (B1G1) deals are incredible! Yes, a typical trip to Publix for full on shopping could be a down payment on a 2012 Camry, but I only shop the sales and I make out like a bandit.

I just want to put a disclaimer on this post, in case your mind has coming to conclusions of its own....I am NOT an extreme couponer. I am not this lady:

I'm a mild couponer (who wouldn't mind taking on your coupons if you don't utilize them *wink wink*). I attended a coupon class and it was helpful. I do enjoy saving money. Why not make it a mini-hobby? Couponing has saved me money and introduced my to the wonder that is Publix. Can't hate that.

1 comment:

  1. A coupon class?!? Ahahahaha
    Sorry that sounds hilarious...but very practical!!
