Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Music City, USA---Nashville Music Rocks

There are MANY reasons to love Nashville, but the music scene has got to be reason #1! I sometimes get annoyed when people assume that Nashville only has a country music scene to offer. Of course, there are MANY opportunities to hear country music here, but there are also many opportunities to hear GOOD music, as well! haha…Just kidding, country fans. Well, partially kidding. ANYWAYS, what I mean to say is that Nashville has all kinds of music to offer and it is oftentimes free.

Rett and I love going to free shows! Right now, there are two, free, musical events that take place on a weekly basis. Thursday nights are Live on the Green. This show takes place downtown on the courthouse lawn from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Los Lonely Boys headlined last week and next week the headliner is Robert Randolph and the Family Band. (Although I am MUCH more excited for the opening act, MOON TAXI!!) The other show is Musician’s Corner, which features up and coming local bands in Centennial Park from 3-6 p.m. on Saturdays. Both are outdoor events and are 100% free. Rett and I usually pack a picnic lunch (or dinner) and have some pretty awesome free dates every week!
Live on the Green on the Courthouse Lawn
Musician's Corner-Centennial Park
Now, I am stereotyping here, but it seems that the same types of people come to all of these shows. There are, of course, exceptions to the rules, but here are the categories of people that stick out to me.
*Hipsters—You know who I’m talking about. The horn-rimmed glasses, skinny jeans, boots, scarves, and slouchy-hat-wearing trend-setters trend-followers we all know and love so much. They walk around like they’re on the runway at these events. Sometimes I’m not sure if they come to see or to BE seen.
*Dog-lovers—Since both of these shows are outside, dogs are welcomed…even encouraged! At times it almost feels a bit like a dog show. Nashville-ians take any excuse they can to show off their canine friends (or in the case of this picture, their miniature ponies!)
*The Babysitter’s Club—This group involves parents who bring their children to the show in hopes that the crowd and the music will act as a babysitter for their energetic children. These would be the kids who run (or crawl) around, yelling and tripping most people within a five foot radius. The parents are the ones with their eyes glued to the show who obviously believe that kidnapping could never take place in a crowd. (Note: There are also many functional families with responsible parents who attend the shows. Of course!)
Super cute little boy at the last Musician's Corner, under the watch of a friendly, orange balloon.
*Smokers- I’m not even sure if the people in this category like music…I think they’re just excited to be able to go out somewhere with their friends where they can pollute the air in peace.
*The “Too-Old-For-This” Crew—I suppose you’re never too old to enjoy free music. I know I’ll still be doing it years from now. However, this miscellaneous category involves 50-year-old women wearing spaghetti strap and/or see-through shirts and men still in their hippie garb from the 70s.
*The “I-Just-Wanna-Dance” bunch—Or maybe it should be “I-Just-Wanna-Move,” because I’m not entirely convinced that dancing is exactly what they are doing. This category is oftentimes closely linked to the abovementioned crew. Just the people you want to see dancing, right?
Meet Rico. This guy (who, if I'm not mistaken, is homeless) dances at EVERY Musician's Corner for the full 3 hours, taking NO breaks. This is one dancer that everyone can't help but love. Up until this past weekend, Rett and I always reverently referred to him as Beavertail because we didn't know his name.
Can you see why?
*Cheapskates—These are the people who don’t get out of the house or do anything unless it’s FREE.

So that's the general breakdown. If you want to check out the Live on the Green schedule, you can find it at http://www.liveonthegreen.net/schedule and the Musician's Corner schedule is at http://www.musicianscornernashville.com/#/calendar

Oh, and lastly as well as randomly, Rett and I went to the Parthenon (since we were in Centennial Park anyways) last Saturday. I just love that building. In some ways, it's almost more majestic than the real Parthenon because we get to see it in all it's glory, as they might have seen it years and years ago.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Second Best Thing about Wednesdays

I attend a pretty kickin' ladies Bible study on Wednesday nights, so that takes the cake for "Best-Wednesday-Thing." The girls are amazing, the support and comradery is needed, and it acts as a necessary mid-week encouragement for yours truly.

HOWEVER, a close second is.............Publix!

Wednesday is my day to shop at Publix and it truly is a pleasure. I clip my coupons Tuesday night and roll into Publix when I get off work on Wednesday afternoon (feeling like I'm totally cheating on Wal-Mart). I just love Publix so much. Here's just a few of the reasons why:

*The whole store, as far as grocery stores go, is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I mean, c'mon...they STACK their cucumbers for crying out loud! If that doesn't scream "labor of love," I don't know what does!

*They double coupons under .50! Double savings? Yes, please!
*No associate there has ever rolled their eyes at me or told me "I don't know" when I ask them a question. If they don't know, they find out so that they will know.
*They bag your groceries for you, no questions asked. Even better, they bag them WELL! In a manner that actually makes sense! Like, no random shampoo bottles in with my refridgerated items, even though I clearly seperated them on the conveyer belt.
*They offer to take your groceries out to your car for you. Though I never take them up on it, I do appreciate being asked.
*Oh! I love the Penny Item. Today it was coffee. :-) .1! For real! Ok, so yeah, I don't technically drink coffee, but I do have a friend in mind. 
*Their Buy One, Get One (B1G1) deals are incredible! Yes, a typical trip to Publix for full on shopping could be a down payment on a 2012 Camry, but I only shop the sales and I make out like a bandit.

I just want to put a disclaimer on this post, in case your mind has coming to conclusions of its own....I am NOT an extreme couponer. I am not this lady:

I'm a mild couponer (who wouldn't mind taking on your coupons if you don't utilize them *wink wink*). I attended a coupon class and it was helpful. I do enjoy saving money. Why not make it a mini-hobby? Couponing has saved me money and introduced my to the wonder that is Publix. Can't hate that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Girls Night In!

A Bachelorette Party for Tame, Trendy Girls!!

I don't know about you, but when I think of bachelorette parties alcohol, partying, and going out come to mind. Though that might be the standard, it is by no means the only way to celebrate a woman's last night being single! I recently planned a bachelorette party for my dear friend, Megan (who just got married on 9.10.11) and we had LOTS of fun without any of the aforementioned things. We rented a couple hotel rooms, played some amusing games, and stuffed our faces with delicious treats!

I think my favorite thing about the whole party was seeing a hotel room transform from drab to FAB! It's amazing what a little tissue paper and a LOT of pink can do!

Allllriight. So the pics don't look quite so fab as the actual room did, but ya gotta trust me on this. One thing that did not disappoint was THE FOOD! I love it when food is appealing to the eye, but I love it even more when it's appealing to the stomach! And this food was both! Packed full of sugar and love :-)

Leg Cupcakes! How sexy it that?!?

It's kind of difficult to see, but the water bottle labels say "Love is Sweet." Super cute, free download from Amanda at Kind Over Matter! http://www.kindovermatter.com/2010/02/valentine-fun-with-guest-blogger-jo-ann.html
This was relatively easy to make. (Of course it was! That's the only type of thing that I can make!) Used scrapbook paper for the popcorn cones and I used a cardboard box from Wal-mart that stock comes in for the base. I just cut out holes that were fairly evenly spaced, painted it pink, and stuck a glittery, zebra ribbon on it!

We played some of your typical, silly bachelorette party games How well do you know the bride? Does Megan know her groom? You know, it was really amusing to watch Megan chew about 14 pieces of gum! (She had to chew a piece for each question about Michael that she got wrong. So what if the questions were abnormally difficult? Friends show their love for friends by exercising their jaw through gum-chewing exercises!

***My FAVORITE game of the night was Mad Libs! I loved it so much, I think I'll just share the fun with you, IF you're willing to let your creative juices flow, that is.

Ok,then.....NO CHEATING. First, fill in the list below and THEN fill in the blanks in the mad lib. Let your imagination roam. It generally yields giggly results.
1.) Bride’s Name:                                                       
2.) Emotion:                                                               
3.) Adjective:                                                             
4.) Body Part:                                                            
5.) Adjective:                                                             
6.) Noun:                                                                    
7.) Adjective:
8.) Adjective:
9.) Adjective:
10.) Verb:
11.) Adjective:
12.) Occupation:
13.) Unseen emotion (like love or pain):
14.) Another unseen emotion:
15.) Plural noun:
16.) Number:
17.) Adjective:
18.) Body part:
19.) Adjective:
20.) Body part:
21.) Body part:
22.) Verb:
23:) Body part:
24.) Groom's name:


Love Letter
To my Dearest _______________ (1),

       I cannot contain my ___________ (2) that today is our wedding day!
It seems like only yesterday when I first saw your _______________ (3) ________________ (4). I could not believe how _____________________ (5) you were, and today I am the luckiest _____________ (6) alive. You are ______________ (7), ______________ (8), and _______________ (9), and I couldn't ask for anything more. The way you ____________________ (10) melts my heart. I want you to know that I will do all I can to give you a ____________________ (11) life. My job as a _____________________ (12) may not seem like much, but we will be rich with _________________ (13), _________________ (14), and _________________________ (15).
        One day we will have _______ (16) _________________ (17) children. I hope that they have my _________________ (18) and your _________________ (19) ________________ (20) and ______________ (21). When I see you walk down the aisle today I know I will ______________ (22) with joy! I love you with all my ______________ (23).

Yours forever,
       _________________ (24)